
A warped look at spatial...


Here is a roll of the presentations I have created and given over the last few years.

Most are focussing on Open Source GIS.

03/12 - Presentation given with Will Simms (presentation written by Will) on the 3 month apprenticeship program we participated in… focused on OSM

PDF Presentation Link

04/27/08 - LinuxFestNW 2008 (Bellingham, WA)

My Presentation LinksĀ  - (PDF 4.5M) - (ODP 8M) - (PPT 8M)

09/26/07 - FOSS4G 2007 (Victoria BC)

Abstract :: OpenOceanMap

My Presentation Link (6 meg) - OpenOceanMap PPT

07/26/07 - OSCON 2007 (Portland)

Session :: 2:35pm Thursday 07/26/07 - OSGeo: All About Maps

My Presentation Link (10 meg) - Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)

07/23/07 - Coastal Zone 07 (Portland)

Session :: 8:30am Monday 07/23/07 - Tools for implementing Ecosystem-Based Managment

Audio Link - (Streaming M3U Link) (32 meg MP3 Download)

My Presentation Link (5 meg) - Open Source Geospatial Tools: Enabling Decision Makers

04/18/07 - GIS in Action (Vancouver Washington)

Session (Chaired by Aaron Racicot):: 8:30am Wednesday 04/18/07 - Open Source GIS

My Presentation Link (6.9 meg) - OSGeo Foundation - A practical look at the foundation, applications and what you can do to get involved.

Speaker #2 –> Dean Anderson - Open Source Tools and Proprietary Software - ORMAP User Group

Speaker #3 –> Deborah Bryant - Open Source in Government - From “Why” to “Why Not”

03/21/07 - LizardTech (Seattle Washington) - CUGOS - Cascadia Users of Geospatial Open Source


Audio Link - To Come…

Presentation Link (5.8 meg PPT) - Open Source GIS: A practical look at the Open Source GIS Stack.

02/21/07 - PSU (Portland Oregon) - GEOG 488/588:Geographic Information Systems I - Open Source

Audio Link - (Streaming M3U Link) (57 meg MP3 Download)

Presentation Link (5.8 meg PPT) - Open Source GIS: A practical look at the Open Source GIS Stack.

Flash Demo Link (1200x800 Flash) - GRASS GIS demo.

Combo (19 meg)- Presentation and Demo in ZIP format.

07/24/06 - OSCON (Portland Oregon) - Session:: OSGeo: Mapping and Geospatial Tools & Support - Speaker Bio

Presentation Link (4.7 meg) - OSGeo Mashup - A practical look at 5 Open Source GIS applications, Aaron Racicot

04/06 - GIS in Action (Vancouver Washington)

Session:: GIS in Natural Resources

Presentation Link (6.5 meg) - The OCEANSystem: Web-based OS-GIS decision support tool for fisheries by Aaron Racicot

Session :: Mapserver

Presentation Link (6.3 meg) - Wed-based Open Source GIS Decision Support Tools – Explaining the Software Stack by Aaron Racicot

11/05 - Oregon State University (OSU) GIS Day Keynote

Presentation Link (4.9 meg) - Open Source GIS in Salmon Nation - Environment, Equity, Economy

05/05 - Portland Area GIS Users Group (PAGIS)

Presentation Link (1.3 meg) - Open Source GIS - The Ecotrust mission to utilize new inovative technology